Tuesday, July 29, 2008

EL Showtime - Photos & Videos!

Dear all,

We had our P2 EL Showtime on 11th July 2008. All of the children in the P2 level performed extremely well. The instructors, teachers and parents were all impressed with them! If you were present at the performance, you would attest to the spectacular show they had put up too!

Below are the photographs taken for each of the 6 show items as well as the video clips of 2H's performances - Three Piggy Opera & King of Wild Things =) Enjoy!

Narrators, Teachers & Audience

Owl Babies - 2F and 2B

The Greedy Dragon - 2A and 2D

Three Piggy Opera - 2G and 2H

King of Wild Things - 2I and 2H

The Grasshopper And The Ants - 2E and 2B

There Aren't Such Things - 2C and 2D

Finale Song - Celebration

Three Piggy Opera Video (Part 1)

Three Piggy Opera Video (Part 2)

King of Wild Things

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Connect Singapore - Pledge cards

Dear Parents,

By now, your child would have shown you the Pledge cards that were given to them to participate in "Connect Singapore". This is a Fund Raising Event to raise money for President's Challenge and Heartware Network. Please help by donating generously. Take note that there should be no soliciting for donation in public places.

I will start collecting back the cards + donations on 5th August. Please do not lose the Pledge cards! You would have to make a police report if you lose them! Thank you for your cooperation.

Below are additional related information that you might be interested in.

Connect Singapore - Hand in Hand, a Nation we Stand

What's Connect Singapore?
  • 30,000 youths standing as one nation, joining hands to form a human chain in the 'heart of Singapore' and reciting the National Pledge as 'one united people' on 8 August 2008 (080808)
  • National Day Fund Raising Event to raise $300,000 for President's Challenge 08 (70%) and Heartware Netowork (30%) over 2 months (8 July - 30 September)

Why participate in 'Connect Singapore'?

  • To actively engage and inspire YOUths
  • To emphasize that every one of YOU matter
  • To promote stronger citizenship engagement
  • To promote borderless citizenship and volunteerism
  • To promote National Education

Things to note regarding pledge cards:

  • Please be responsible for your own pledge card
  • Please remember the serial number of your pledge card
  • Please be polite when asking for donation
  • Explain to people where the money will go to
  • DO NOT solicit for donation in public places
  • Take note of the amount collected
  • Remember to bring your card and amount collected on the date of return
  • Should you lose your pledge card, please
    (i) make a police report immediately and photocopy the report
    (ii) inform your form teacher immediately.

Monday, July 7, 2008

EL Showtime Invitations

Dear Parents,

You are invited to our P2 EL ShowTime this Friday, 11th July 2008, 5 p.m. at the school hall. I'm sure by now, you would have received handmade invitation cards by your own children. See you!

3 Piggy Opera - Performed by 2 Hope (Register Numbers 1 - 15) & 2 Grace
King of Wild Things - Performed by 2 Hope (Register Numbers 16 - 31) & 2 Integrity

Below is a slideshow of the children's created invitation cards =) Enjoy!