Friday, June 27, 2008

Awards in Term 2

Dear all,

I'm proud to announce that 2 Hope has attained the following school award!

Well-Kept Class for the Month of March

Keep it up, children!


Spelling Award

I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate our sole Spelling King for Term 2, Joshua! He has scored a perfect score for all Spelling exercises in Term 2. Excellent job!


Penmanship Award

These certificates serve to commend pupils with excellent handwriting and to encourage them to take pride in their handwriting and achieve good penmanship skills. For Term 2,

Xiu Min, Daphne and Jit Huat have clinched this award. Fantastic! I hope to see more neat handwriting from the other children too.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Healthy Living & CIP Day!

We had our Healthy Living & Community Involvement Programme on 22nd May 2008.

The children were very excited as they were told to bring a very healthy sandwich to school for their recess. Also, they were also given a 'Responsibility' stamp when they do so! What a bonus! Both levels, P1 and P2 had a Mass Workout in the evening as well. Many apologies to the children as I forgotten to remind them to wear their PE attire on that day >.<

It was also a day of contribution for them as they worked together to clean up their classroom!

Enjoy the slideshow as well the 2 video clips below =)

Learning Journey to Images of Singapore!

We had our first official Learning Journey on 21 May 2008 to the Images of Singapore at Sentosa! The visit to IOS focuses on occupations and events that happened in the history of Singapore is aligned to our Project Work - Back to the Past. The children will be embarking on Project Work in Term 3. I would like to extend my thanks to Mrs Lam (Zi Yang's Mom) for accompanying us for the trip. Enjoy the photos~